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  /  Applications   /  The Power family for robotics

The Power family for robotics

Industrial Robotic sector is really wide, it includes different movements, starting from the simplest palletizers up to the most elaborate multi-station Delta Robots.

The control should be carefully chosen, because its use can vary from the 3 or 4 axis analogically driven to the multiaxis numerical control with interpretation of ISO files.

The Family Power, in its different set up, can answer each strong>requirement, that will be defined depending on the specific application characteristics.

What your Tex Power will be?

The POWER Family top controls are: Power A, Power D+, Power I.
They offer their best performances in the PLC and CNC task management and can control from 4 to 28 interpolated axis, both in EtherCAT or in analog mode.

They are specially recommend for Kinematics Complex and can be easily used for special and multi-process solutions.

If you have to manage a Palettizer, a Pick & Place or a Cartesian Robot Power Q, Power B and POWER J are the most suitable controls for this applications of the Power range.

Is is also possible to have a VMT (Vertical Machine Terminal) remote display when required.

We certainly have already developed controllers which can meet your requirements but we could eventually examine in depth your idea, exploring new solutions.

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